Friday, December 14, 2012

Lit Circle 6: Quotes Master

1."I nature there is no blemish but the mind; None can be called deform'd, but the unkind." (pg.104)
Chapter is about blemishes of bones.
2."We keep no secrets from our bones. We blurt out everything shamelessly to these silent, obiedient servants of our days." (pg. 105)
Dr.Maples investigates bones.
3."Certain that the female skull is visibly more polished and even-surfaced than the male skull, as if it had
been turned on some invisible potter's wheel." (pg. 108)
Is investigating the structure and bones and defines differences of male and female bones.
4.""A completely dry and fleshless skeleton was found next to a .22 rifle. The bones were still clothed in a very soiled running suit." (pg. 108)
Explains his most interesting case to discover.
5."Both of these truths were written unmistakably in that extraordinary skeleton, and reconfirmed my faith in the veracity and expressiveness of the human frame." (pg. 116)
Examining bones and their damage; and what caused it.

Lit Circle 5: Word Master

1.Anthropologist: a social scientist who specializes in anthropology..
2.Oregon Trail: historical emigrant trail that connected Missouri River to valleys in Oregon.
3.Skinflint: person who spends a little amount of money ass possible.
4.Detained:keep in official custody, mostly for questioning.
5.Sediment: matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid.
6.Phalanx:group of people or things of a similar type forming a type of body or brought together by common purpose.
7.Corpus delicti:facts and circumstances constituting a breach of a law.
8.Interdependent: dependent on each other.
9. Public symphyses: part of a skeleton which changes throughout life and can be crucial determining age.
10.Bequeathed: leave to a person or other beneficiary by a will.

Lit Circle 4: Map Master